在枚举时,中文习惯于在列举未尽时使用“等等”的表达法,但在英文写作时,请尽量不要用etc.、and so forth、and so on。比较好的做法是使用所谓的上位词(superordinate term)作概括,如下例句中的natural causes,再于其后加上including、such as。
错误:Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by volcanism, solar activity, etc.
正确:Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by natural causes, such as volcanism and solar activity.
请注意在学术写作中,拉丁文e.g.的使用主要是放在括号内,表示例如,因此不宜用它替代for example或for instance。美式英语中e.g.有两个点号,而英式英语则不须加点,只写作eg。另外,放在句中时,请在它的左右两边都加上逗号,将它和句子的其他部分隔开。
错误:Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced, e.g., by volcanism or solar activity.
正确:Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be inducedby natural causes, e.g., volcanism or solar activity.
正确:Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by natural causes (e.g., volcanism and solar activity).
1. [量词] + [上位词] + including + [例子]
Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by a variety of natural causes, including volcanism and solar activity.
A variety of Various | A number of Numerous | Many Much | An array of | Several |
2. [上位词] + such as + [例子]
Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by natural causes, such as volcanism and solar activity.
3. [上位词] + include(s) + [例子]
Scientists theorize that the factors leading to global temperature may include volcanism and solar activity.
4. [例子] + and other + [上位词]
Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by volcanism, solar activity, and other natural causes.
注意:避免用like来举例。在意义上,like等同于similar to,而非for example。
错误:Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by natural causes, like volcanism and solar activity.
正确:Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by natural causes, such as volcanism and solar activity.
许多人常将i.e.与e.g.混淆。实际上,e.g.(拉丁文exempli gratia的简写)是for example的意思,而i.e.(拉丁文id est的简写)则是that is to say的意思,所以后面接的是举例说明,而非枚举。
Punctuation is the act and result of punctuating, i.e. using punctuation marks.
Punctuation is the act and result of using punctuation marks, e.g. commas, semicolons, and apostrophes.
Punctuation is the act and result of punctuating, i.e., using punctuation marks.
Punctuation is the act and result of punctuating (i.e., using punctuation marks).
Punctuation is the act and result of using punctuation marks, e.g., commas, semicolons, and apostrophes.
Punctuation is the act and result of using punctuation marks (e.g., commas, semicolons, and apostrophes).