The UTR lengths were calculated as the number of reads in a UTR divided by the number of reads in the CDS multiplied by the CDS length.
这里UTR是名词短语untranslated region的initialism缩略词,把字母逐一念出来,首音节发yet的/y/的音,所以不定冠词选用a。当然,我也看到类似以下的写法:
The blocked copy can then be replaced with an UTR-specific primer pair.
这可能为笔误,作者在下笔时,心里想着“with an untranslated region–specific primer pair”。但也有另一种可能,就是作者的母语是德语或法语,而u在德语或法语中发元音。因此,我觉得写an倒也不能算错,重点是应保持整篇文章用法都一致。
Therefore, calcium ion–dependent glutamate release from astrocytes is a SNARE protein–dependent process that requires the presence of functional vesicle–associated proteins.
All the antisera reacted with p240 in an HDAC-specific manner.
在一些时候,同样一个首字母缩略词,一些人会当成一个单词来发音(视作acronym),而有些人则是逐一念字母(视作initialism)。比如以SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism)为例:
Here we report the results of an SNP [逐一字母发音] survey of 21 maize loci.
The most common cause of the loss of hepatic CYP3A5 expression is a SNP [念作/snip/] at nt 22,893 in intron 3 of CYP3A5*3.
KmycJ are K562 cells with a MYC [念作/mik/] gene inducible by ZnSO4.
The cells show L3 morphology … with coexpression of TdT and surface light chains in addition to an MYC [逐一字母发音] gene translocation.
The analyzed DNA is hybridized with a primer nucleic acid that is associated with a Au [金元素的化学符号,念作gold] surface.
TGA-DSC measurements were performed under a He [氢元素的化学符号,念作helium] flow.
Indomethacin, a nonsteroidal inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase, was diluted in a Na2CO3 [念作/sodium carbonate/] buffer.
然而,同位素的做法却不同。ACS写作格式规范规定,元素符号要先于数字念出来,例如14C要念成C fourteen,因此要以元素符号的发音为基准来选择不定冠词:
As N-1 becomes pyramidal, an 15N [念作N fifteen] isotope effect of up to 2–3% is observed.
不过,要注意这项规则并不是强制的规定。我发现写成a 15N isotope的情况比an 15N isotope还要普遍。比如以下例句:
Reaction of hydroxide ion with the neutral phosphotriester exhibits a 15N-isotope effect consistent with only 25% bond fission.
也有一种做法,是把元素名称完整念出来,即a nitrogen-15 isotope。这样看来,不定冠词用a其实也正确。总之,您可以弹性选择,然后保持通篇一致的用法。